All your bookkeeping, accounting and taxation compliance needs are in one place with NB Accounting and Taxation Services.

When you engage NB Accounting and Taxation Services you will receive a professional and reliable service. Our goal is to be proactive and work to exceed your expectations. 

Let us help you

Are you a small business owner that is struggling to meet the demands of your business’s everyday operations and on the other hand trying to meet your compliance obligations and deadlines.

There are so many compliance obligations forced upon small business in the current day that just don’t have the resources to manage them on a timely basis.

Are you just starting out in business and not sure which business structure would suit your needs and you need solid start up advice.

Have you been with your current accountant for a long time?  Do you need a change in the services provided to you, some fresh advice, some new ideas or direction?    

Why choose to outsource

Outsourcing your financial requirements frees up your valuable time to ensure your you can put your skills and resources towards your area of expertise within the business

With the increasing number of businesses using cloud accounting systems, this means that we can access your data in real time and help you today, not just at year end.   Having your accounts up to date all year round means that business decisions can be made quickly with current data at your fingertips.

Reduce your payroll costs and the on-costs associated with employment.  Only pay for the time and services that have been provided.